Thursday 17 February 2011

Questions 1-9 on sheet

The purpose of the opening of a film, is to give an insight of what the film may be about. It is the first few minutes of a film that generally keep the viewer inters ted.

Techniques that a director may use to create suspense include dark lighting, the hiding of a certain characters face, suspenseful music (Generally an orchestra or strings, shots of only various body parts, ensuring that the props, make up and costumes are all relevant to the type of film.

A thriller is defined as a film that generally contains some level of violence, a lot of suspense and a hero. Some of these films are psychological, meaning that due to the timings of certain scenes and musical cues the film will seem scarier than it actually is. Take for example 'Drag me to hell'. At one point in the film, a character is sitting in a car, and a handkerchief flies at the windscreen at fast pace. It is not something that would scare you normall, but in the circumstances surrounding, the scene is made a lot scarier than normal.

Films that fit into the thriller genre could include: Black Swan,Drag Me To Hell, Inception, se7en, The Silence Of The Lambs.

A thriller is split into sub genres, these genres are:
Involving ‘Murderous passions’
Political thriller
Change of identity thriller
Psycho-traumatic thriller
Moral confrontation thriller
Innocent on the run thriller

The characteristics and conventions of a thriller include Death and Destruction, A misunderstood character, Confusion, Cliff-hangers, Mainly male leads, Shocks and scares, Loud sounds, Dark Lighting.

The audience pleasure of a thriller film is the scares generally. People seem to enjoy being scared because the adrenaline in our body creates a positive reaction with the hormones that make us enjoy being scared. Another audience pleasure could be the storyline, some people enjoy the storyline of a film.

The differences between a horror and thriller movie are that horror films generally contain more horror and death. A lot of horror films contain lots of blood and gore. A horror movie is almost like a Thriller movie that has been overexaggerated.

I have honestly never seen about 95% of the current Top Thriller Movies, but it's mainly because i don't think of thriller movies as on of the immediate genres in the news. The films i generally watch tend to be the extremely mainstream genres, like Horror, Comedy, Romance, A Thriller film is not my immediate though when i want to watch a movie. I will in the near future watch some of the some of these films when i have the chance.

Movie Poster Analysis
Black Swan

- An extremely simple poster, but it perfectly symbolizes the content of the film

- The character looks perfect besides the crack on her face.

- Again, no rating is mentioned on the front. From the content in the film I’d say it’s either a 12 or a 15

- Innocent looking character

- The photo itself if incredibly mesmerizing. Although it is probably airbrushed, she is the first thing that you see when you look at the poster

- The title is big and bold, but in a fairly boring and mundane font

- Knowing what the film is about, I’d say the crack on her face symbolizes her fall from grace. How she used to be perfect, but now she’s not

- Only the name of the three most famous/main characters are mentioned on the picture.

- A dark poster t some extent, contrasted with Natalie Portman’s bright white skin tone.

- A good comment on the front of the poster makes the film look better.


- Again a very dark poster. This seems to be a trend within the thriller genre.

- Very spaced out, yet not very big writing.

- Very plain, only an egg and the title really on the poster

- The poster is a few years old now. It’s not an incredibly recent film. You can tell this from the poster.

- A slogan/ something catchy that you can associate with the film

- You can tell that the film is going to be a sci-fi film at least from obviously the title and the egg on the front

- The only other colour on the poster other than black is green (And some white)

- The font on the poster is very plain and mundane

- Not much colour

Silence Of the Lambs

- This is an extremely strange poster. It is quite plain aside from the fact that there is a strange moth on the face of the woman.

- Very plain, mainly the face of the woman taking up the page.

- The eyes of the woman are very prominent and jump out at you.

- A very strange moth on the mouth of the woman, symbolising the “Silence” as mentioned in the title.

- The face itself is very sketchy and colourless.

- There is no mention of a rating/ classification, but as it is a thriller i would generally say it would be a 15.

- Brighter than thriller posters generally are, but it's bright in such a way that it's a bit strange

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