Thursday 10 February 2011

Poster Analysis 2 - Inception

- The title of the film ‘Inception’ is in red, whereas the rest of the poster is in hues of blue and black. This makes it stand out from the rest of the poster. The writing is also a clear readable font.

- The release date is at the bottom in the same size font as the name of the director.

- A picture of the main character gives you an insight of what may happen in the film. The fact that he is holding a gun makes you wonder why.

- The name of the most famous actor in the movie is in bold letters that stretch the width of the poster. This ensures that you cannot miss the fact that Leonardo DiCaprio stars in the movie.

- The background is a very intense scene from New York (Assumingly) It emphasizes the drama of the film

- The colours of the poster are very plain and almost bland. They are dark which emphasizes the moody darkness of the film.

- The light behind Leonardo DiCaprio is incredibly bright and emphasizes the point that he is the main character.

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